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Green Score Capital: An Out of This World VivaStory

Posted at: 11.02.2022in category:VivaStories
An unexpected partnership and a new collection of contacts. VivaStories are success stories of startups participating at VivaTech.

Photo credit: VivaTech

Since VivaTech’s beginnings, we have acted as a powerful global catalyst for digital transformation and startup growth. The core of these happenings occur when the right people meet at the right time, allowing conversations to start, ideas to be born and partnerships to be made. Yet many stories of what VivaTech has brought to startups, investors, exhibitors and partners alike go unnoticed. Luckily, in the search for some inspiring VivaStories, we found a few pearls this year at VivaTech!

Company: Green Score Capital

Sector: Software development

HQ: Toulon, France

Year founded: 2019

Who we interviewed: Valérie Tiersen, Founder and CEO


Startup Story

Evaluating a company’s environmental impact is not an easy task. Our impacts don"e;t just consist of greenhouse gas emissions, it also includes overexploitation of resources, degradation of habitats and monitoring invasive species, which in turn pressure the environment and its biodiversity. 

Green Score Capital is making it easier for companies to make this evaluation with extraterrestrial data – aka space data. The French startup, which started in 2019, has developed an expert system for holistic environmental measurement using data collected from space. “We are the first European solution that uses space data and makes the link with industries. Last year we got a newcomer on our playground though, Google, but we are the only European utility to build space data, to assess the biodiversity and government for companies,” CEO Valérie Tiersen told us.

Climate change is only one of five pressures on biodiversity. And if biodiversity collapses, humans disappear. Supported by the European Space Agency and the French National Center of Space studies, Green Score Capital is helping increase awareness and action for a multitude of businesses. 


“We signed our first significant partnership”

Invited by France’s Région Sud to exhibit at VivaTech in 2021, Valerie and her team entered the hall of Porte de Versailles with the hope to gain some credibility in the ecosystem and discover the event. 

“VivaTech 2021 was really amazing for us because we didn"e;t expect so many leads to come out of it, especially with the COVID conditions last year. We had over 100 leads in four days,” Valérie said.

But here comes the exciting part. “Just after the event last year, we signed our first significant partnership with a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, called Centric Software, which is an editor in the software area that provides solutions in the environmental area to our customers.”

This partnership has allowed Green Score Capital to not only assess environmental impact with their Saas Footprint Target, but to also offer a wide range of solutions to their customers to start making a difference in their operations. 


Advice for startups

One piece of advice Valérie would give to first-time startups at VivaTech “It"e;s really important to work the leads you get at VivaTech because the event is in the middle of June. So if you don"e;t work leads before the summer, it"e;s lost. So really work your hardest right after the event so that you can be sure to transform them in September. And sometimes people don"e;t want to make the decision before the summer, but you still have to stay connected with them and remind them, ‘Hey I’m still here, we are ready to do business.’”


If you want to learn more about Green Score Capital’s solutions check out their website here

Want to spark your own success story Stay tuned for our ticket opening and our super early bird prices!


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