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Information technologies
hall1 Booth L28-005(Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
Data Management & CRM
Artificial Intelligence
Growth & Investment
Vokse Data Piloting has been created because legacy data governance and observability solutions fail to deliver business value. They require complex deployment, lack automation and lead to failed employee adoption. With Vokse Data Piloting, business and data teams stop wasting time searching, cataloging and cleaning data. Instead they deliver business value, increase sales, and improve customer experience. Know what data you have: Vokse Data Piloting instantly creates a map of all your data, and keeps it automatically up to date in real-time. With Vokse, you never again waste time searching for your data. Know what your data means: With Vokse Data Piloting you always know what your data means, by whom it is used and in what context. Know if your data can be trusted: Anomalies are flagged pro-actively to the right persons or teams, so data quality and compliance issues are fixed before they impact your business.