startup 🚀



Booth L18-003(Fri)
Gaming & esports
Space & Aeronautics
Entertainment & Creators Economy
Unboared aims to be the first dedicated dematerialized gaming platform for spaces wishing to provide a true user experience. We've created a technological solution that allows phones to interact with screens in the same way as a game controller. We use this technology to play games that we create in-house. Spaces want to include gaming in their customer experience roadmap. But installing classic consoles (Playstation, Xbox..) is not always the right solution (hardware needs to be replaced regularly, there are queues to wait your turn and be able to play, appropriate furniture needs to be installed, etc.). On the other hand, our solution enables airports to offload a large part of their hardware (the controllers becoming the users' telephones), and also allows from 1 to +100 people to play simultaneously. Today, with 14 games on our solution, we are working with airports, concert halls and bars. Our ambition is to offer our experience to about thirty spaces at the end of the year.