startup 🚀



Booth B25-004(Thu)
Healthcare & Wellness
HR & Future of Work
Diversity & Inclusion
Gynger is the gynecological messaging mobile app for all! Gynger users communicate securely and instantaneously with our multidisciplinary care team for continuous follow-up and better care coordination. 1 in 2 women suffer from menstrual pain. Yet it is too often trivialized and remains intense, impacting women's personal and professional lives as a direct consequence of the lack of geographical, temporal and economic access to women's health experts. Gynger reduces the average waiting time for a gynecological response from 93 days to less than 24 hours. We have seen a clear improvement in women's well-being, a reduction in work stoppages for “useless” consultations, a reduction in absenteeism and a positive influence within the companies that have chosen to offer Gynger to their employees. We will love to tell you more about the possibilities of our subscription model and see for yourself how we manage to obtain almost 100% satisfaction. Please reach out at